Northern Europe
Sevenstar Yacht Transport BV - Head Office
Radarweg 36, 1042 AA Amsterdam
P.O. Box 409, 1000 AK Amsterdam
Phone: +31 204488590
Fax: +31 204488596
Email: info@sevenstar-yacht-transport.com
Sevenstar Yacht Transport UK
Meridians House
7 Ocean Way, Southampton
SO14 3TJ
Contact: Mike Herrebrugh
Phone: +44 2380821030
Fax: +44 2380821039
Email: info@sevenstar-uk.com
Sevenstar Yacht Transport UK is member of the BIFA. Click on this link to download the terms and conditions of the British International Freight Association.
Yacht Shipping UK
Yacht Shipping
Southampton, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 23 8021 5060
Email: info@yachtshipping.com
Bremer Lloyd Marine Logistics GmbH
Rembertistrasse 28
28203 Bremen
Contact: Julia Sebastiani
Mobile: +49 172 5428293
Phone: +49 421 80718273
Fax: +49 4213392848
Email: yachttransport@bremer-lloyd.com
Contact: Janik Maaß
Mobile: + 49 162 1964328
Phone: +49 421 80718262
Email: yachttransport@bremer-lloyd.com
Velero Transport Ltd.
199004, Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Maliy prospect Vasilievsky Ostrov, 6
Contact: Mikhail Voronov
Phone: +7 (812) 987 5220
Mob: +7 (921) 317 5393
Email: m.voronov@sevenstar.ru or info@sevenstar.ru
Skype: Sevenstar.Russia
Sevenstar Yacht Transport France
42 avenue de La Perrière 56100 – Lorient, France
Contact: Matthieu Le Bihan Mobile: +33 (0)6 31 89 26 53 Email: matthieu@sevenstar-France.com
Sevenstar Yacht Transport La Rochelle
8 rue du Sénégal 17000 La Rochelle
Contact: Elodie Le Blevenec
Phone: +33 671 841 513
Email: elodie@sevenstar-france.com